The Alternative Consumer

This blog focuses on environmental issues, and healthy lifestyle choices -- new products and service options for your self, your friends, family and home. It's all about making smart choices, and living well!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Throw Out Perfectionism

A good friend gave me a copy of a not-yet-released book that I'd like to recommend to you: Mariel Hemingway's Healthy Living from the Inside Out. Her guidebook will be available as of January, 2007. Or you can pre-order from Amazon, right now.

Mariel offers many useful tips on how she has achieved control over the "Four Cornerstones" of her life: Food, Exercise, Home and Silence; and she proposes a 30-day program that's practical and easy to follow.

She had me at:
"Throw out perfection!...The not-perfect approach is moderate, yet still very powerful. When you approach exercise with deep, focused intention, a twenty-minute workout will be as effective as 40 minutes done with less attention. ...And you definitely don't need to do thirty minutes of sitting in silence to feel a change. Try sitting for three."

She encourages examining one's bad habits --
"The beauty of observation and self-inquiry is that when we understand the trigger, we can disarm it, and eventually forget it ever existed....Emotions, bad habits, and old patterns don't have glue; they're not taped to you, nor are they nailed to you. They're just ideas....we can decide to simply, let them go." Such wisdom comes in handy as she instructs on how to "cut the crap out" of our diets, and "clear the clutter" in our homes.

I was very impressed by Mariel's ideas and highly recommend that you give her program a try, if you're exploring new ways to alter your life. The book's January release is a mere few weeks away. /m


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