The Alternative Consumer

This blog focuses on environmental issues, and healthy lifestyle choices -- new products and service options for your self, your friends, family and home. It's all about making smart choices, and living well!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Heads UP - August 29 & 30

...JUPITER makes a Special Appearance at dusk (7pm) in the south/southwestern slice of the sky...might be faint, but don't miss our "LARGEST planet" this Tuesday eve.

PAGASA provides the graphic pattern...

...Pluto will appear 44 degrees above the southwestern sky at around 10:00 PM on August 30 - Wednesday -- and will gleam at magnitude +14.8. A larger telescope and a star chart will be needed to locate the Pluto, which will lie among the stars of the constellation of Serpentes, the Serpent throughout the month. Enjoy the free show, things are looking up! /m


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